Avengers : EndGame Minor Details

Shivam Garg
14 min readApr 28, 2019


Hi Folks.
Avengers Endgame blew all of us. In the film, the surviving members of the Avengers work to reverse the damage caused by the snap of Thanos in Infinity War.

In case you haven’t watched the movie yet, stop reading this post right now, as MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING ahead 😛

So, let’s begin 😄

In the very first scene of the movie, Clint Barton a.k.a Hawkeye is training his daughter Lila. We get to see his wife Laura, and sons as well.

We had last seen his family in Avengers: Age of Ultron, when the Avengers took refuge at his homestead.

Also, a minor detail focussed upon in this scene was that Clint was under house arrest.

This very well connects to the events of Captain America : Civil War, after which Rogers’ team was captured, which included Scott Lang as well.

Scott’s house arrest was shown in Ant Man and the Wasp.

Back in space, Tony Stark and Nebula are stranded on Benetar — the spaceship of Guardians.

Malnourished Tony records a goodbye message for Pepper Potts, in which he mentions “Pep ! I know I said no more surprises. But, I gotta say I was really hoping to pull off one last one”.

This promise of NO MORE SURPRISES was made by him in Avengers : Infinity War, right before Doctor Strange and Bruce Banner arrive to inform him about Thanos.

Also, back in Infinity War, he mentioned about having a dream about their child being Morgan, and we got to see later in Endgame after span of 5 years that he has a daughter named Morgan.

Captain Marvel brings Tony and Nebula back to Earth. Well a plausible explanation as to how Denvers got to know about where Tony and Nebula are stranded can be supported by the fact that Potts was with Avengers when Tony was back.

Denvers was also with Avengers, as stated by mid-credit scene in Captain Marvel.

As soon as Potts must have received the goodbye message from Tony, she must have informed Avengers, who in turn must have figured out the coordinates of the source of the signal.

Once Tony is back, we see he still is in conflict with Steve Rogers , reminding him about the Ultron Program.

Tony: “What we needed was a suit of armour around the world, remember that? Whether it impacted out precious freedoms or not. That’s what we needed.”

Steve: “Well that didn’t work out. Did it?”

Tony: “I said WE WILL LOSE. You said WE WILL DO THAT TOGETHER TOO. Well guess what Cap? We lost, and you weren’t there.”

This was a callback to the discussion they had way back in Avengers : Age of Ultron.

The Avengers, except Tony set out to confront Thanos to get back the Infinity Stones in hopes to bring half the universe’s population back. They get to know that Thanos has destroyed the stones. Thor, out of rage, kills Thanos by decapitating him, and goes on to say “I went for the HEAD”.

Thor considers his biggest failure to not go for the head during the events of Infinity War, even after reaching so close to defeating him.

5 years post the snap, Steve has become more of a counsellor, advising people to MOVE ON.

One interesting thing to point out in this scene was that this counselling session featured cameo from Joe Russo — One of the directors of 4 of MCU movies (Captain America : Winter Soldier, Captain America : Civil War, Avengers : Infinity War and Avengers : Endgame). 😉

Another cameo in this scene was of Jim Starlin — The creator of THANOS in the comics. 😄

Ant Man a.k.a Scott Lang comes back from the Quantum Realm (all because of a rat 😜), where he was stuck because of the snapping of Wasp, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne in Ant Man and the Wasp . He gets to meet Cassie — his daughter , who is now a grown up girl.

Back at the Avengers Headquarters, Natasha a.k.a Black Widow is trying to keep things in place. She keeps track of major events happening across the universe, and stays in touch with Rocket, Nebula, Denvers, Okoye and Rhodes.

One important detail not be missed in this conversation between Okoye and Natasha.

Natasha: “Any reading on those tremors? How are we handling it?”

Okoye: “Nat! It is an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it.”

And this may hint at the next villain for Black Panther and Wakanda — Namor , the Sub-Mariner. Maybe we get to see him in Phase 4 of MCU.

Rhodes informs that Barton has in past 5 years become a vigilante, and is on a killing spree. This indirectly points to the darker version of Hawkeye known as Ronin in comics.

Scott meets Natasha and Steve, and discusses regarding making use of Quantum Realm to undo the mishap. They head to meet Tony, but he doesn’t seem interested in carrying out Time Heist. They head to meet Banner, who decided to use gamma radiation to morph his body to be the size and appearance of Hulk, but retain the intelligence and control of Banner. In the comics, this version of Hulk is known as Professor Hulk.

Motivated by a photo of Peter Parker from the days of his Stark Internship (in other words events of Spider Man : Homecoming 😝), Tony finds out the solution to time travel. He comes back to help others, and returns the Captain America’s shield (made by Tony’s father — Howard) back to him, which was left behind by Rogers in Captain America : Civil War.

Banner and Rocket go to New Asgard ( Tønsberg, Norway ) to get Thor back on team. As we see, Valkyrie, Korg, Miek and other surviving Asgardians most likely must have fled from the Asgardian ship in the beginning of Infinity War. We get to see a fat version of Thor — who after his failure has become more of a carefree character (but still broken, when Thanos’ name was taken).

Well, half the population of Asgard now resides here, after destruction of their home planet Asgard in Thor : Ragnarok. However, this place in Norway holds a great place than many people thought it must have.

In Captain America : The First Avenger, Red Skull ( Johann Schmidt ) stole Tesseract from this place only.

Also, Odin died here as well in Thor : Ragnarok.

Romanoff gets Barton back from Tokyo.

Rhodes suggests to get back in time and kill Baby Thanos. 😝 Banner and Nebula state that time travel doesn’t work that way and “Changing the past doesn’t change the future”.

Banner explains — “I don’t know why everyone believes that, but that isn’t true. Think about it: If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future, and your former present becomes the past! Which can’t now be changed by your new future!”

Alternatively, in EndGame, changing the past just leads to creation of alternate timelines, because of which you can never fix the original timeline. More on that later…..

So, the Avengers decide to go back in time, bring all the Infinity Stones, and snap to bring all dusted people back. Avengers don’t have enough Pym Particles, only enough to complete one round trip for each.

In the very first Avengers movie in 2012 (The Avengers), the Tesseract and Scepter (Space and Mind Stones respectively) were in NY. Also, the NY Sanctum Sanctorum housed Time Stone. During events of Thor : The Dark World (2013), Jane Foster came in touch with Aether (Reality Stone). In 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy movie showed Quill trying to acquire Orb (Power Stone) from Morag. Also, in 2014, Gamora likely found out about Soul Stone on Vormir, before breaking ties with Thanos (and Ronan the accuser).

So, Avengers have a plan — “6 stones, 3 teams, 1 shot!”

Banner meets Ancient One, asking for Doctor Strange, who obviously became sorcerer in 2017 (in the movie Doctor Strange). She refuses to give him the Time Stone stating that removing any stone at any point of time can lead to creation of alternate realities, which can be extremely dangerous. She finally agrees provided that they return the stones back in time, and after contemplating over Strange’s decision.

One aspect which some folks were confused about in the theatre was if Ancient One can see the future like Strange becoming sorcerer in 2017 and all, why she didn’t know about him giving the stone to Thanos?

Well, the answer lies in the fact that she died in Strange’s movie, and she reiterates that she can never see beyond a certain time — the time of her death.

Tony, Steve and Scott try to retrieve Mind and Space Stones. After Avengers defeated Loki in 2012 battle, the scepter was handed over to HYDRA.

In Captain America : Winter Soldier, we got to know that using this scepter, HYDRA experimented upon many , but only Wanda and Pietro Maximoff survived.

There was a perfect callback to the elevator fight scene in the same movie, but this time instead of fighting, Captain Rogers plays a smart trick by calling out “HAIL HYDRA”. 😝

There is a great cameo from Rumlow/Crossbones, and Alexander Pierce as SHIELD members working for HYDRA.

He then had to fight his own self and had to subdue him by telling him “Bucky is alive”. To be noted that Captain America only came to know about Bucky being alive in 2014, while fighting the Winter Soldier.

And 2012 Hulk smashes the plan of Scott and Tony to get the Tesseract, and then this happens. 😛

So, now as per Ancient’s one statements, Loki is in an alternate timeline (Original Loki was killed by Thanos in Infinity War) 😐, which is why there is his series coming up on Disney+. He is still a rogue God of Mischief. Let’s see if he redeems himself in this new alternate reality.

As the left over Pym particles are not enough to have one more round trip, Rogers and Tony decide to visit SHIELD in 1970. Well Howard Stark, Hank Pym and Peggy Carter — all worked for SHIELD together, unless in 1989 Hank Pym left.

Tony gets the tesseract, and gets to say final goodbye to his father, which he never got. We also have a cameo of Jarvis , the butler of Howard Stark from TV series of Peggy Carter. Also, the MIT Tag he shows to Howard was the one he got presumably from his visit to MIT in beginning of Captain America : Civil War.

The mention by Howard regarding Zola (the scientist who worked for HYDRA all time inside SHIELD, and antagonist in first 2 movies of Captain America) also was a very minor detail that could have been missed by some.

Captain Rogers gets Pym Particle, but also gets to see Peggy — the love of his life.

Thor and Rocket reach Asgard to extract Aether. However, Thor finally got to say a proper farewell to his mother Frigga before she will be killed within few moments (trying to protect Jane from Dark Elves), and obviously he gets back his hammer Mjolnir. 😄

The 2014 conquest on Morag to get the Power Stone doesn’t go as expected even though they get the Orb, since Nebula’s memories are tangled across time. There is a mention of Ronan, the accuser by Thanos, which was a slight callback to Guardians of the Galaxy movie’s main villain. Also, Ronan was for a very brief time present in Captain Marvel movie, but his troops were reduced to ashes by Denvers. The facial expressions on Gamora’s face clearly state her desire to choose the path of redemption right before 2014, which was what happened in the movie.

Back on Vormir in 2014, Clint and Romanoff had to get the Soul Stone. But, they never had an idea that this stone demands sacrifice 😐. We get to hear about Budapest, which we had heard them talking about in earlier movie as well, right???

Maybe Budapest will be explored in upcoming Black Widow prequel movie.

There is a reason why Romanoff made such a great sacrifice. This was likely hinted here, apart from the fact that Clint has family. Banner’s love for Widow was clearly stated (which started developing in Age of Ultron), even though they had not been together for so many years.

Miss you Black Widow 😢

Well, just like 2014 Gamora is back in current reality, maybe someone can bring the older version of Black Widow back. We all really hope it happens.

So, Hulk wields the Infinity Gauntlet — the fan favourite moment for all😄

But, the 2014 version of Nebula brings Thanos into the current reality, who tries his best to foil the plan of Avengers.

Well, how with just 1 Pym Particle, did Thanos bring the entire army? The answer to it is most likely Ebony Maw. When Nebula of 2014 gave Thanos the Pym Particle, Maw (being a great expert) must have replicated that formula instantly for the entire army. I know this was never told in the movie, but seems like the only plausible explanation.

Tony, Steve and Thor fight against Thanos. But this time Thanos has plans to eradicate entire life.

Thanos: “I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half will thrive. But you’ve shown me that’s impossible. As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.

One thing worth noticing is Thanos’ weapon here. This weapon is perfectly balanced, similar to the one he gave to Gamora in Infinity War.

Captain America wields Mjolnir. Well, we always knew he was worthy, didn’t we? 😉

This was indeed the perfect callback to the beginning of Avengers: Age of Ultron, where Cap was the only one to slightly move the hammer.😃

Finally, when all seems to be gone — Hulk’s snap brings everyone back. 😄 Sam Wilson (Falcon) calls out to Captain America, and what he says must have brought smiles to many faces — “On your left”. Finally, he got to say those words to Cap, as Cap has been teasing him since Captain America : The Winter Soldier.

There enters a huge army of Wakanda, Guardians, Ravagers, Snapped Avengers, Asgardians, Sorcerers. There was every single character you had dreamt of coming together. That scene was complete BLISS, and gave chills to everyone.

Cap’s call to everyone out there “Avengers ! Assemble” was teased in Age of Ultron at the very last scene.

The exchange between Peter and Tony was so heart touching, with Tony hugging the kid, which some can correlate to the scene in Spider Man : Homecoming“That’s not a hug. I am just grabbing the door for you” .

Spider Man’s “activate instant kill” was again throwback to when he refused to activate this option present in the suit in his movie. Responding to his call for help , Cap says “Hey QUEENS” — again reflecting the funny conversation they had in Civil War.

Denvers entry into the war with the new haircut (her actual haircut from the comics 😜) was indeed great. Her role was brief, but truly impactful. Thanos headbutted her, but she didn’t even flinch.

And finally the Women Power Scene again brought the chills.

And the moment where we all cried. Tony stole all the infinity stones from the gauntlet.

Thanos:I am inevitable”.

Iron Man:And I am IRON MAN”.

It all ended from where it began. Those were his words at the end of the first MCU movie.

Tony’s death was indeed the moment where every marvel fan almost cried, with Pepper’s words “We are gonna be okay. You can rest now”, being a heart-wrenching moment.

We love you 3000, Tony.

Well did anyone think why is the number 3000 chosen?

The runtime of all the 22 movies so far is 2890 minutes, and Spider Man : Far from Home (last movie of Phase 3) is reportedly 110 minutes long — all adding up to 3000. Wow MARVEL 🙏

His funeral was attended by almost every major surviving character, but there was one guy whom no one saw coming.

Harley Keener — the guy who assisted Tony in 2013's Iron Man 3.

Thor gives up his crown, and is with Guardians (or the Asguardians of the Galaxy 😛). Maybe, we can expect his cameo in the next Guardians movie, on their quest to find the 2014 Gamora.

And who can miss this between life time buddies — Cap and Bucky.

Cap: “Don’t do anything stupid till I get back.

Bucky: “How can I? You are taking all the stupid with you.

Well, a perfect callback to Captain America: The First Avenger, when Buck told the same lines to Cap, and vice-versa.

Finally, we get to see a perfect ending for Cap, who gets to live a perfect life with his love — Peggy Carter.

So, the shield has been passed on to Falcon, which will be explored in the new upcoming series of Disney+ titled “Falcon and Winter Soldier”.

There will be 2 other marvel series — “WandaVision” and another based on Hawkeye. Considering that Vision never showed up in Endgame, there is a very strong chance that Shuri might have downloaded his consciousness while trying to remove the mind stone in Infinity War.

Well, the Russo brothers, Kevin Feige, both the writers — Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely gave us the perfect ending we had been craving for, with almost every line in the movie having a special meaning associated to it.

Let’s see how the Phase 4 unravels the mysteries of the MCU universe 😃

Thanks Marvel for this perfect culmination of 22 movies. 🙏

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Shivam Garg

Software Developer at Nutanix. In love with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud and Micronaut